Today I learned that I can have a global .gitignore file, so I don’t have to create one for every project.

According to git documentation, some of the sources that git uses to find patterns to ignore are: - The .gitignore file we all know and love. - And patterns in the file specified by core.excludesFile configuration variable.

Note that the local .gitingore file will always be more prioritized than the global one. (i.e. if a file is ignored in the global .gitignore file, but explicitly tracked in the local .gitignore file, it will be tracked, and vice versa)

The local .gitignore is always more prioritized than the global one

The file my.file is ignored globally but explicitly tracked locally, so it will be tracked.

Using the global git config, we can create a global .gitignore file that will be used by git to ignore files and directories across all projects.

touch ~/.gitignore # or any other file name

Then we can add patterns to ignore in this file, for example:

echo "*.log" >> ~/.gitignore # Ignore all log files

Finally, we need to set the core.excludesFile configuration variable to point to the file we just created:

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

And voilà, we have a global .gitignore that will be used by git across all projects.

Bonus: The website is a great resource to generate .gitignore files for different projects and languages.